Oaklands has a range of tools available to get to the bottom of any medical problem. It’s always better to be proactive though – so don’t forget about regular health checks, vaccination and faecal egg counts; all of which are included in the Horse Health Programme.
- Comprehensive blood work available.
- Faecal worm egg counts and targeted worming protocols.
- Respiratory assessments (including endoscopy, ultrasonography and tracheal and bronchial washes when required).
- Cardiac (heart) assessments-ECG and echocardiography.
- Abdominal ultrasonography (for further assessment of abdominal disease).
- Gastroscopy (to assess for stomach ulcers or other disease).
- Recurrent colic or weight loss work-ups.
- Dermatological assessments (for skin complaints).
- Ophthalmological assessments (for eye disease).
- Investigation of poor performance or respiratory noise, with standing and over ground endoscopy available.
- Neonatal (foal) and adult equine intensive care.
- Many, more specific investigations and treatments as required